"The Prince is your answer to the old style-substance crisis. Rarely can you get this kind of aesthetic flare for such an affordable price"
We're excited to have our fixies chosen as one of the top 10 Canadian-made bikes by Toro Magazine, alongside Canadian bicycle greats like Cervélo and Opus!
Check out the article here, and if you aren't already riding a Regal bicycle, stop by our shop to pick yourself out a swanky spring fixie!
1949 had a fixed road bike. 66 and 69" gear ratio. I am tempted, but would have to fit dropped bars, brake hoods my clipless pedals, and fenders.. At 83 I still ride and can see the advantage of a “Fixie” to ride in the poor weather out here in Qualicum Beach BC, a great training machine to get one ready for the full carbon job sitting in the garage waiting for dry weather.
Allez! Ray Kretchmar